Ham City Kev’s Top 15 All-Time Movies

Stand By Me (1986 – 1 hour, 27 minutes)

IMDb summary: After the death of a friend, a writer recounts a boyhood journey to find a body of a missing boy.

Why it’s on my list: It’s a classic, and one of my earliest favorites. Of the 4 main boys, there’s a little of each in all of us, so it’s easy to connect with them. Not to mention, Kiefer Sutherland’s Ace Merill gets no credit as an awesome antagonist.

Favorite Character: Vern

Favorite Scene: Lard Ass’ revenge

Favorite Quote: “Why don’t you go home and fuck your mother some more?”

Superman II (1980 – 2 hours, 7 minutes)

IMDb summary: Superman agrees to sacrifice his powers to marry Lois, unaware that three Kryptonian criminals he inadvertently released are conquering Earth.

Why it’s on my list: I’m a huge fan of the Christopher Reeve Superman series, and this one sits at the top. It’s got everything: great humor (something missing in the bullshit “Richard Donner Cut”), great story, great twists, great cast, great protagonist, great antagonists, great romance–great everything!

Favorite Character: Clark Kent

Favorite Scene: Clark gets the shit kicked out of him in the diner.

Favorite Quote: “General, would you care to step outside?”

Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991 – 2 hours, 32 minutes)

IMDb summary: The cyborg who once tried to kill Sarah Connor must now protect her teenager son, John Connor, from an even more powerful and advanced cyborg.

Why it’s on my list: Do you remember seeing this in the theater for the first time? Do you remember your reaction to the T-1000 special effects? Holy FUCK! It was the greatest thing you’d ever seen! T2 is probably the greatest action movie ever made. It’s certainly on the list of greatest sequels in history. Again, great story, great effects, great protagonists, FANTASTIC antagonist, stunning action and chase sequences.

Favorite Character: T-1000

Favorite Scene: Sarah shakes hands with the Terminator before lowering him into the steel.

Favorite Quote: “Your foster parents are kinda dicks, huh?”

V for Vendetta (2005 – 2 hours, 13 minutes)

IMDb summary: A shadowy freedom fighter known only as “V” uses terrorist tactics to fight against his totalitarian society. Upon rescuing a girl from the secret police, he also finds his best chance at having an ally.

Why it’s on my list: Being a big fan of Orson Wells’ “1984″, I’m an easy sucker for this movie. It’s frighteningly not that far fetched, which in turn makes V one of my all-time favorite protagonists.

Favorite Character: V

Favorite Scene: V addresses the masses.

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