Gord and Kev revisit the accurate (and inaccurate) technological speculations from yesteryear and hypothesize about tomorrow.
NOTE: Apologies for the poor audio quality — everything will be back to normal next week.
Gord and Kev go over random memories from their first decade on this planet.
GordTep.com presents: Thank God For YouTube! Here we will showcase random, unrelated media that for whatever reason left an impact on us. In the best case scenario you will see something you haven’t seen in over 15 years yet remember like it was yesterday. Today we have…
Talk about epic.
If this didn’t get you pumped up to sit on your couch for 2 hours, nothing could. Movies felt like a much bigger deal with intros likes this. The other old school HBO intro brings back plenty of good memories as well, but those memories are more in the after-school variety, more dime-a-dozen. This 75-second intro was fucking special.
My biggest connection with this is probably Superman II, which my parents taped off HBO early on. The connection is certainly an easy one, what with the sequence ending in space and Superman II beginning in it.
For more on ’80s nostalgia and the Superman movies, stay tuned to the next 2 episodes of 300 Bucks Damage!