300 Bucks Damage Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure Commentary!
Gord and Kev watch Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure!
I must make a correction. Harold Sakata played Oddjob, not Toru Tanaka. However, both men were professional wrestlers, and they look very much alike. For what it’s worth, many websites confuse the two actors so I’m not alone in making this mistake.
Madame Ruby…
It’s very adventure movie to watch!! Even if I don’t watch this movie but I know it is very funny.
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I must make a correction. Harold Sakata played Oddjob, not Toru Tanaka. However, both men were professional wrestlers, and they look very much alike. For what it’s worth, many websites confuse the two actors so I’m not alone in making this mistake.
Madame Ruby…
It’s very adventure movie to watch!! Even if I don’t watch this movie but I know it is very funny.